Back on the market as of July 20th, this home was originally listed on July 18th in 2023. The property is being listed at a price of $828,000 , the same as its original list price. This 2 bedroom, 2 full baths residence is located on Citadel Drive, an excellent location in Aliso Viejo.
With a total floorspace of 1,437 square feet, this beautiful home comes in at $576.20 per square foot. There are also 2 garage spaces available for parking. This home is served by the Capistrano Unified High School District.
This home was originally built in 2010. .
Latitudes South | 10 Citadel Drive #205 Aliso Viejo CA 92656
Listing provided by agent Min Zhang BRE# SZHANMIN at Bestvilla Group Inc. and Songzi Li BRE# OCLISONGZ at Bestvilla Group Inc..